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Create a Web PHP + MySQL database with empty hands

If you want to create a website with Dreamweaver or Frontpage, maybe everyone can. But the web is only a standard web that does not have a database so that people can only see the contents of the web, without being able to participate like to comment berpastisipasi. If you want to make a PHP website with database, we did need to learn PHP programming? Not too ... Now a lot of web tools that open source templates (no source program that can be volatile) and FREE of course. Well refer to our coverage of some tools that we think is easy and good to make a complete PHP website with a database. To try to make the web with php + mysql on local computer, you need to install php and mysql software on your computer first. Php software can be downloaded at:

For mysql, you should use the version 4.0, since version 5.0 was still new and not many open source tools that can use it. you can download at:

If you immediately put it on the Internet, will be much easier, because the average Internet server in the world and Indonesia, have been equipped with facilities that can read php and mysql. You can just make it in the mysql database your web control panel (please contact your web provider or where you rent a server (web hosting) if not clear how).

Here are some Open Source tools are useful for you to create a web php with mysql database from the first:

This is one of the tools that we consider very simple and the download yg small (<500KB) to create a web, you can also change the design and appearance of your web dr. Here are our infonya quoted from his website:
Drupal is an open-source platform and content-management system for building dynamic Web sites. It offers a broad range of features and services including user administration, publishing work flow, discussion capabilities, news aggregation, metadata functionalities using controlled vocabularies, and XML publishing for content-sharing purposes. Equipped with a powerful blend of features and configurability, Drupal can support a diverse range of web projects ranging from personal Weblogs to large community-driven sites.

Drupal download here

If you want a web feature php + mysql database with a more feature complete with a forum, web chat, search and security, you can try this one. Below is the info we quote from his website:
Some may see Postnuke (PN) as a weblog or content management system. But PN is more than that, PostNuke is a community, content, collaborative management system, a C3MS. It's your electronic toolbox, a set of tools allowing you to build a dynamically generated web site that five years ago would have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to launch.

Download Postnuke here
Question and answer forum at:
Postnuke Manual + FAQ at:

If you happen to know a little PHP and want to re-design open-source PHP program that you can, you can use PHP Designer program. This program is FREE and you can download the program here

If you want a special web forum just for the forum only or contain only (web forum), or you want to include a separate forum from the web, you can download the PHP Bulletin Board at:

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Virus Rontokbro

Creating a file on every folder where these files have the same name as the folder with the characteristics
- Icon used a Folder
- File Size 42 Kb
- Extension. EXE
Rontokbro also will make changes to the file C: \ autoexec.bat to add the command line "PAUSE". In order to be active so Rontokbro computer turned on, he will make the registry a few registry keys are:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run
Shell with a value Explorer.exe "C: \ Windows \ Eksplorasi.exe"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ WindowsNT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon,
Disable Registry Editor
Like most viruses, this virus will also disable programs that can shorten the possible existence of "their" functions such as registry editor by adding a registry key:
DisableRegistryTools = 1
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System
If the function is run registry editor will display an error message. Message that appears if the computer is infected Rontokbro trying to access the Registry Editor.
In Registry
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System
Besides adding to the registry key string, the virus will also be added in the option in the [Startup] in msconfig.
Folder Option Hiding
This virus apparently learned from his colleagues, which will eliminate the virus [folder options] on the [tools] in [Windows Explorer], so that the user will not be able to display any hidden files (hidden) by the virus, by adding a string value :
"NoFolderOptions" = dword: 00000001
the registry key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
Folder Option ROntokbro omitted by the user so can not change the folder option settings
Task Schedule 5:08 PM
Rontonbrojuga schedule will make the windows task schedule which will run every hour of 5:08 PM, by running the file that is located didirektori:
C: \ Documents and Settings \% Users% \ Templates
Schedule made by a particular file Rontokbro run every 5:08 PM. This possibility is used to update itself.
Automatic Computer Restart
One of the advantages possessed by Rontokbro is able to cause the computer restarts, do not expect up-date the patch can solve this problem, it is because Rontokbro not exploit such security holes used by Sasser or Blaster virus.
Rontokbro will restart your computer if you try to run a particular program such as regedit, msconfig and even if you run Task Manager software as a replacement pocket HijackThis and Killbox even one other advantage that has is the ability to restart the computer even though the mode "safe mode" even though, by because it takes a trick to deal with these problems. makers likely Rontokbro always follow the advice and the latest developments so that it will become increasingly difficult to be liquidated because it is constantly updating itself.
Steal Your Email
Rontokbro will take an email address on all files that contain ext. . asp. cfm. csv file. doc. eml. html. php. txt. wab
Through disks / USB Flash Disk
In addition to spreading via email, Rontokbro also be spread via Diskette / USB to create files in folders / subfolders are didisket / USB or the USB root itself, the file created has the features: resembled Folder Icon, Size 42 Kb, Ext . EXE
Rontokbro also will try to make the connection by sending ping requests to one of such adult sites and, this is one factor that can slow a computer system but because of the spread of internet connection in Indonesia is still relatively slow, the impact of this will be less felt at home dialup users because they do not always connected and the greatest impact access to two sites will be far-reaching if the computer is affected Ronrokbro home computers that have an ADSL connection and is always connected to the internet, Warnet or office computer that is always connected to Internet.
Like antivirus, Rontokbro also trying to do up-date to one of the sites has been determined, so do not be complacent should up-date your antivirus in order not to become the next victim and do not forget to not carelessly in exchanging data via floppy / usb one tips may be useful is to recognize the type of file you want to run, and try to always display the file ekstesi order to know the type of file. One effective way to prevent Rontokbro is to use the antivirus which provides local support so that the definition can be offset Rontokbro emergence of new variants which until now still continue to be issued.

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For the web developers who are more often working in windows operating system environment, would still remember with Phptriad. At the time the application Phptriad bundle apache, mysql and PHP as one of the installer file. The installation is very easy to create a working web developer is not hard to install apache and mysql from scratch. Unfortunately this project which used phptriad is an open source project discontinued and changed into a commercial project.

Phptriad basically just bundles a web applications developer who has been frequently used in the Linux operating system environment. LAMP that had for years become a mainstay of web developers in the linux operating system it can also be implemented in the windows operating system. This means that the market for Apache, MySQL and PHP already penetrated into the operating system other than linux.

The opportunity was certainly not wasted by other developers. Bundle 3 applications (apache, mysql and PHP) began to spread after Phptriad appear. Some who had recorded and I know among other FoxServ, WinLamp and Xampp.

Of the three alternatives Winlamp, FoxServ and Xampp I've tried the last two, but I am personally more interested to discuss Xampp. As Phptriad, Xampp follow easy installation and configuration as that owned by Phptriad. As of this writing has reached version of Xampp 1.4.12 Some of the features available on Xampp is like the one below:

  • Apache 2.0.53
  • MySQL 4.1.10
  • PHP 5.0.3 + PHP 4.3.10 + PEAR
  • eAccelerator 0.9.2a
  • PHP-Switch win32 1.0 (please use the "PHP-switch.bat")
  • XAMPP Control Version 1.0 from
  • XAMPP Security 1.0
  • SQLite 2.8.15
  • OpenSSL 0.9.7e
  • PHPMyAdmin 2.6.1
  • ADODB 4.60
  • Mercury Mail Transport System for Win32 and NetWare Systems v4.01a
  • FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.4e
  • Webalizer 2.01-10
  • Zend Optimizer 2.5.7
The minimum computer requirements to run are as follows:

  • 64 MB RAM (recommended)
  • 115 MB free Fixed Disk
  • Windows 98, ME, XP Home
  • Windows NT, 2000, XP Professional (Recommended)
  • Some addons that have been available are:
  • Perl 5.8.6
  • mod_perl 1.999.22
  • Experimental Python 2.3.3
  • mod_python 3.1.3
  • Tomcat 5.0.28
  • mod_jk2/2.0.4
  • Cocoon
With features such sense-it can replace the functionality Xampp LAMP on Windows operating systems. Even Xampp also be used as web servers secure and reliable Windows operating system.

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Saving Username and Password The Password Vault S10

S10 Password Vault is a password manager that you can use to store your username and password information securely. By using this free software you no longer need to remember all the usernames and passwords to many web accounts you have, for example, yahoo email account, gmail, facebook, friendster, blogs, and so on.

Display of this freeware is simple enough, at least when compared to Password Container.

Before using the Password Vault S10 is first you must create a master password first.

By default the account password on S10 Vault consists of several categories, namely Banking, Email, Shopping, Travel, Websites, and Work. To add a new category, you can do this by right clicking and choose New Folder.

To create a new account, first select the category accounts. After that right click and choose New Account.

One of the interesting features of the S10 Password Vault is the Auto-type commands. With these features S10 Password Vault will write the username and password automatically to the site you're visiting. To activate the Auto-type commands you can press the Ctrl + Alt + L.

If you are interested in trying S10 Password Vault, you can download at

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Hiding the Start Button Start With Killer 3.0

Start Killer is a small software to hide the Start button located on the lower left corner. When the software is run, the Start button will "disappear" from the taskbar and you'll get a little extra space on the taskbar.

Although there is no Start button, you can still access the Start menu by pressing the Ctrl + Esc or Windows key.

To display the Start button again, you must close the Killer Start by right-clicking the Start icon in the systray Killer and click Exit menu.

download here

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